Crosses for Carers

Complete the form below to receive 2 free Caring Crosses at your Hospice.

Carer Recipient

Thank you for your generous gift for the residents/ patients.  Your faithful support is such a blessing to all who hold the cross.  Your kindness will never be forgotten on my heart.  We serve the LORD and to find fellow believers on the journey is such a gift from God.  Thank you.

Rev K . 

Cross Recipient

The Caring Cross is very special to me, it truly helped me through a very rough time in December - battling Cancer - and I could feel the strength of the Lord holding my cross - giving me the strength I needed.

Ms Higgins . 

Carer Recipient

Thanks for much, the Crosses continue to bless others.  I can't begin to tell you the stories, blessings, comfort these crosses bring.  Praise God for this ministry.

Chaplain C.

Carer Recipient

I've seen peoples lives changed by receiving these crosses, I've seen folks die while holding these crosses in their hands with peace shown in their faces.

I've prayed with folks to receive Christ as their savior after they received the cross.  Ans at the end they are still holding on to the cross.

What a blessing a testimony to our Lord.

Rev L . 

Limit one pair of crosses for each hospice or nursing home.  Thank you.

Praise be to God and Father of your Lord Jesus Christ,the father of compassion and the God of all comfort,who comforts us in all our troubles..

 2 Corinthians 1:3-4